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The Baws

Ambitious business owner Black has always known he’d be successful in life. Since the mere age of 17, when he opened his first business washing and detailing cars, he knew he was destined for greatness. He has put his all into his strive for perfection. Black has been in the tattoo business for 10 years and he recently decided he was ready for a big change. So he threw himself into renovating our now absolutely stunning shop. However, behind every strong man there is an even stronger woman to help keep him motivated and together. After many beautiful years of marriage Charlene is much more than just his wife. She is his rock, his partner, and his road dog. Never apart they work and strive for greatness together every day. Outside of their business lives, the power couple loves a good New Orleans Saints game, or a Pelicans game. Black then loves a good round of golf or maybe some fishing and hunting, while Charlene would much rather grab some lunch and get a little shopping done. This powerful duo can’t be stopped and never will be, always reaching for the top in their careers. The two business moguls plan to open another business once their baby Tat Starz is floating on air being yet another business win for the successful duo.

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